
[긴스버그] 너무 많은 것들

김형순 '스키타이' 2023. 3. 24. 11:39
백남준의 절친이고 고은 시인과도 친한
비트세대의 상징 알렌 긴스버그의 시 한 편을 소개한다.


'너무 많은 것들'이라는 시가 생각난다


너무 많은 공장들/너무 많은 음식/너무 많은 맥주/너무 많은 담배

너무 많은 철학/너무 많은 주장/하지만 너무나 부족한 공간/너무나 부족한 나무

너무 많은 경찰/너무 많은 컴퓨터/너무 많은 가전제품/너무 많은 돼지고기

회색 슬레이트 지붕들 아래

너무 많은 커피/너무 많은 담배연기/너무 많은 종교/너무 많은 욕심

너무 많은 양복/너무 많은 서류/너무 많은 잡지

지하철에 탄 너무 많은/피곤한 얼굴들

하지만 너무나 부족한 사과나무

너무나 부족한 잣나무/너무 많은 살인/너무 많은 학생 폭력

너무 많은 돈/너무 많은 가난

너무 많은 금속물질/너무 많은 비만/너무 많은 헛소리

하지만 너무나 부족한 침묵


The vision itself is more important than any single name assigned it. For the vision realizes that the poesy of the universal mind within us all in an internal and eternal event.


This paper aims to examine the poetics of vision and prophecy in Ginsberg. His poetics of vision and prophecy can be understood through the word "Poesy", not "Poetry." Ginsberg's choice of the archaic term "Poesy" emphasizes the implication that he as King of May embodies not a written but the primordial oral tradition. Poesy iis not a finished product but an endless process. A poet does not create poesy so much as join into this process. In this sense, poesy seems to create itself. So the poet just happens to be lucky enough to hear and repeat it. Only poesy can reach the bottom of human existence because it transcends the dualities upon which poetry is based. Poetry accepts the premise of language that death is the opposite of life. but poesy makes no such distinctions. Because it conceives of a universal mind that is the eternal sum of all human voices, the term death and life becomes purely relative. The vision itself is more important than any single name assigned it. For the vision realizes that the poesy of the universal mind within us all in an internal and eternal event.